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April 3, 2023

Episode 83: Interview with Johnny Beirne from

WhatsWhat Podcast
WhatsWhat Podcast
Episode 83: Interview with Johnny Beirne from
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WhatsWhat Podcast
WhatsWhat Podcast
Episode 83: Interview with Johnny Beirne from
Another great Podcast from The Social Media Talks Podcast with Alan Hennessy  In this Episode, Alan talks toJohnny Beirne from  about How to create a Professional Online Course.
Johnny has been training and coaching in online marketing for 11 years. In 2013, he launching online courses so that he could work from anywhere and now shows other experts how they can do the same.
He has written a free guide entitled ‘Say it Once, Sell it Often’ which people can download from my website at Personal facts – His dad was a coal miner which inspired me to entrepreneur. He has 2 children, Jack (11) and Gem (10).
#SMTalks #BeSocial

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