Dave Howick- Director at FHM – Empowering Leadership

Dave Howick

In an inspiring conversation, David Howick shares his extraordinary journey from a guitar player to a renowned expert in taxation and accounting. Inspired by his father’s work ethic, David embarked on a path that led him to become a distinguished figure in the world of finance and business mentoring.

The Turning Point

David began his career at a small accounting firm. On the day he planned to submit his resignation for a better opportunity at Ulster Bank, a pivotal moment changed his life. The firm’s owner, ready to retire, offered David and a colleague the chance to take over the business. Despite not having the funds to purchase his share, David seized the opportunity. This bold decision marked the beginning of a remarkable journey of organic growth and strategic acquisition, shaping the brand into what it is today.

Core Values: Integrity and Innovation

At the heart of FHM Accountants are the values of integrity and innovation. These principles were crucial when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. David and his team were not only able to adapt to the new environment but also managed to stay ahead of the curve. Their readiness and innovative approach ensured that they continued to provide exceptional service to their clients, cementing their reputation as leaders in the field.

Balancing Work and Life

David’s success is not just professional; it’s also deeply personal. He maintains a balanced work-life ethic by setting three daily alarms. The first, the “Rocky Alarm,” is set for training and fitness. The second, at 8:30 AM, signals the start of his workday. The most important alarm at 5:30 PM marks the end of his workday, ensuring he dedicates time to personal pursuits and family.

Looking Ahead: Legacy and Growth

With 25 years at FHM, David is focused on leaving a lasting legacy. He envisions merging FHM Accountants with a firm that shares their ethics and innovative spirit. This alignment is crucial for the continued growth and development of the business coaching segment, his passion project, which he is determined to build into a reputable brand.

Advice to Young Entrepreneurs

David’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is straightforward: don’t procrastinate. Take decisive action, as learning comes from doing. Additionally, build a team of good people around you. These individuals, who don’t necessarily have to be your employees, can offer diverse perspectives and help you see things from different angles.

David Howick’s journey from a musician to a successful accountant and business mentor is a testament to the power of seizing opportunities, maintaining integrity, and embracing innovation. His story is not just about professional success but also about personal growth and the relentless pursuit of excellence.



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