LinkedIn Marketing Strategy for Small Business

LinkedIn Marketing Strategy
LinkedIn now drives over half of all social traffic to Business to Business (B2B) blogs and websites. It is also responsible for 64% of all visits from Social Media sites to business sites.
One of the main rules of LinkedIn for Business is “Look before you Leap” and what I mean by that is, do your research before you just start posting content on the platform. LinkedIn, even though it is a Social Network is quite different from the other ones out there.

Some of the reasons for this include:

Professional People use this network as a resource.
It’s a place to showcase your expertise not your dinner from last night!
LinkedIn has a certain language tone, straight to the point and precise.
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Here are some strategies you should implement before posting on the network:

  • Why are you investing in LinkedIn?
  • What are your objectives?
  • What are your goals?
  • What content are you going to publish?
  • When are you going to publish?
  • How are you going to interact with followers and comments?

If you have a business that employs staff here are a number of ideas you can develop with them……

What I like to call your secret marketing army. 
  • Make sure your team is trained up to use the network – Invest in them.
  • Make sure your team is fully behind using LinkedIn to increase your brand’s visibility.
  • Make sure they are engaging and sharing your content.
  • Ask for their input and showcase their expertise and roles within the company.

Reach Out and Connect.

LinkedIn has over 575 million users and 260 million monthly active users. When most people start out on the network to connect with everyone and anyone, the question you have got to ask yourself is “Are these connections valuable to me or my business or could I solve a problem for them?” You need to focus and identify the decision-makers in key roles or influencers that may give you an opportunity to be introduced to their connections.

 Stay Focused on LinkedIn.

When you start out on LinkedIn personally or for your business, it is all guns blazing for the first couple of weeks, then it dissipates over time. The trick is to go steady and last the pace. Remember it takes time to settle in and deliver. It is all about being consistent on the platform and this, in turn, will increase your ROI on LinkedIn.
Following these steps will help you build better relationships on LinkedIn and build your credibility from the start. I hope you have got some good advice from this blog and I would be delighted to receive your comments.
Alan Hennessy is head of digital at Kompass Media and one of Ireland Leading Social Media Experts. He is also a Social Media Consultant and Trainer and speaks about Social Media & Digital Marketing all over Ireland and in the UK. The Social Media Talks podcast is among the top marketing podcasts in the world. Contact Alan to have him speak to your company event or conference soon.
Follow Alan on Social Media, TwitterFacebookInstagram, and YouTube
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