Social Media Content Ideas For July

So, summer’s here finally and with that a couple of months that even when the weather isn’t always as we’d like it we all tend to ease back a little on the work front or take our annual leave.
If you’re on social media through your customers expect you to still be around even on your downtime. And with that in mind, we’ve got this month’s list of themes you might incorporate into your social media if you’re stuck for ideas this month – or if you’d prefer to check it out on video, you can click here to view one.
  1. International Joke Day – 1st July; some people have a natural flair for telling jokes but for those who don’t this is where social media or youtube can come into their own, plenty of jokes or comedians there to share and you’ll most likely find something to tie in with your business too.
  2. Independence Day – 4th July; every business with even the slightest link to the USA will celebrate in one form or other. From BBQ nights with all-American food and beer to celebratory sales from American brands, there’s plenty you can do. BUT, don’t jump on the bandwagon just for the sake of it, incorporate the day if it works for your brand.
  3. International Kissing Day – 6th July; established in 2006, this is a day designed for those in romantic relationships and could be a nice theme to incorporate into businesses in the hospitality sector or food retail – romantic meals outside of Valentine’s Day? For businesses in the entertainment sector, it could make for an interesting dating event too.
  4. New Conversations Day – 12th July; possibly not an international day but quite a nice idea that’s worth adopting, simply start a new conversation with a new person you come across and that simple kindness might make a difference. A nice idea for your social media too if you think about it…
  5. International Rock Day – 13th July; one that could be used cleverly for those in the construction/landscaping sector, this is a day that aims to educate on the numerous options we have available throughout the world.
  6. Bastille Day – 14th July; a little closer to home than the USA, this is France’s national day and one that’s celebrated on the same day every year. If you’ve got French connections in business give them a shout out, perhaps feature some French employees and their celebrations for the day or if you’ve got the opportunity to perhaps come up with a few French food ideas in a restaurant or cafe it’d be appropriate too.
  7. World Emoji Day – 17th July; with a name and a history stemming from Japan (e = picture, Moji = character), these wonderful little colourful images can communicate where sometimes words don’t suit. Brighten up your social media on the day, in many cases, people respond favourably to them from businesses but not on every platform and certainly not for every post either!
  8. Aunt & Uncle Day – 26th July; not quite certain whether this is an international day or not but we think it’s a great idea, these special men and women in the lives of children deserve a day to thank them for everything they do.
  9. Lipstick Day – 29th July; thought to exist for around 5,000 years it’s said that Winston Churchill thought they were such amazing morale boosters that production wasn’t curtailed even during WWII. Celebrate it if you’re in the beauty business and for everybody else, why not dress up in your favourite or pick up a new one!
  10. Paperback Book Day – 30th July; you’re reading this article online and it’s increasingly the first choice for many of us when it comes to reading now but there’s something special about curling up with a really good book that no device can compete with. Mark the day by sharing a paperback you’re reading or think about a giveaway, selecting a book in your business area.
Hopefully this July we’ll experience the type of summer weather we like to enjoy this time of year and that, of course, lends itself naturally to a range of social media posts to tie in around your business. We hope though that if you’re stuck for an idea there’s something in our post for you to think about.

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